Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Spectral Bird

One of my most mysterious experiences pertains to a spectral bird(s) that began manifesting and demanifesting at my mother's house several years ago. The phenomenon started a few months after the brutal murder of my 23 year old niece at her parents' home which is a long way from my mother's house.
I first saw the creature moving around in my bedroom one evening while I was seated in another room. But I thought little of it believing that it might be a bat that had lost its way. Weeks later in another visit I encountered the creature face to face about 6.30 pm as it manifested from nowhere and began flying around the room. I screamed for my mother who then told me that she had been seeing it regularly at nighttime. She was not fazed but intrigued because there was no open window or door which could have facilitated the entry of this creature from outside the house. What was even more strange was that it always showed in late evening or in the night long after most regular birds are sleeping.
The bird I first saw was a medium-sized dark brown creature with black opaque eyes. It did not flap its wings but glided around the room gracefully without any noise or panic reactions. Then after a few minutes it flew up to an old clothing cupboard where it simply disappeared out of sight. We looked all over but could find no physical exit point for this creature. In the months that followed I saw another spectral bird under similar circumstances. This one was black in colour and had tendency to fly menancingly towards me whenever I saw it in my room. These birds had the overall appearance of regular blackbirds except for the colour variation between the first bird I saw and the others which appeared in subsequent manifestations.The dynamics were the same...the bird manifested out of nowhere and demanifested just of our range of vision after a few minutes. Sometimes it would manifest on top of the old cupboard and then fly into the dark and disappear before our eyes. Sometimes it would disappear and reappear within a few minutes.

I was certain that these were not physical birds that had inadvertently flew in from outside.

BUTTERFLY:My mother claims to have seen a spectral bird with a butterfly one night about 11 pm.

BATS: I have seen spectral bats in another part of the house in the pre-dawn hours moving at an incredible speed. I have seen them manifest and demanifest in front of my eyes. On one occasion I saw a partial manifestion in my peripheral vision and I turned very quickly in that direction but I saw the materialisation was aborted and there was nothing to be seen afterwards.

It has been several months since we have had a manifestation and no one has been able to solve the mystery.
I am left to conclude that the house sits on a portal to another dimension and these creatures use the doorway to enter our 3D world at night.
If anyone has had experiences of this nature or might have an explanation please contact me urgently.

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