Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Disappearing Acts

I have had two experiences of disappearing objects since moving into my apartment some years ago. The first incident involved a pair of turquoise earrings purchased on a trip to India. I had placed the earrings into a small, velvet-lined papier mache jewel box also purchased in India. A few days later, I began looking for the earrings but to no avail. No one had been in my apartment and I looked everywhere. I had even turned over my jewel boxes emptying the contents on a table out of frustration. There was nothing to be found.
I began to question my sanity in a light-hearted way. I let the matter go thinking that maybe I had lost them somewhere and began to focus on other matters in my busy life.
One day a few weeks later, I was going through the papier mache jewel box and lo...the earrings were there! Again, no one had been in my apartment because I live a very private life and I had checked this small jewel box several times in my frantic search. I was mystified but intrigued.
The second incident involved similar dynamics but this time the disappearing object was a tweezer. I looked everywhere where it could have fallen, several times but with no success. A few days later it appeared in the same area of the room where it had disappeared. I had searched there many times so one can imagine my shock to find the tweezer sitting conspicuously where anyone could have seen it at first glance.
I have no clues as to what was involved in these disappearances but I know that I had conducted thorough searches and no one one had been in my apartment. A small but significant paranormal experience perhaps?

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