Friday, November 16, 2007

Poltergeist Activity

This incident was described to me by my mother and it occurred in one of the bedrooms of the house where the spectral birds began appearing a few years ago (see the post on spectral birds). My mother decided to say some prayers in that particular room because she felt that the "energy was unsettled". After the prayer session, she locked up the room and proceeded with some household chores. A few hours later, she opened up the room to find the bed pillows strewn on the floor. She was the only person present in the house at that time and the room had been locked so none of her pet cats had been allowed access to the room.
We discussed the matter and could find no logical reason for the strewn pillows. I would dare to suggest that a poltergeist might have been involved although there were no young people resident in the house at that time. The prayers had obviously disturbed some extra-dimensional energy there. There were several strange occurrences associated with this particular room which I shall describe in upcoming posts.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Disappearing Acts

I have had two experiences of disappearing objects since moving into my apartment some years ago. The first incident involved a pair of turquoise earrings purchased on a trip to India. I had placed the earrings into a small, velvet-lined papier mache jewel box also purchased in India. A few days later, I began looking for the earrings but to no avail. No one had been in my apartment and I looked everywhere. I had even turned over my jewel boxes emptying the contents on a table out of frustration. There was nothing to be found.
I began to question my sanity in a light-hearted way. I let the matter go thinking that maybe I had lost them somewhere and began to focus on other matters in my busy life.
One day a few weeks later, I was going through the papier mache jewel box and lo...the earrings were there! Again, no one had been in my apartment because I live a very private life and I had checked this small jewel box several times in my frantic search. I was mystified but intrigued.
The second incident involved similar dynamics but this time the disappearing object was a tweezer. I looked everywhere where it could have fallen, several times but with no success. A few days later it appeared in the same area of the room where it had disappeared. I had searched there many times so one can imagine my shock to find the tweezer sitting conspicuously where anyone could have seen it at first glance.
I have no clues as to what was involved in these disappearances but I know that I had conducted thorough searches and no one one had been in my apartment. A small but significant paranormal experience perhaps?